ray.h File Reference
#include "sophus/common/common.h"
#include "sophus/lie/isometry2.h"
#include "sophus/lie/isometry3.h"
#include "sophus/lie/similarity2.h"
#include "sophus/lie/similarity3.h"
#include "sophus/manifold/unit_vector.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <optional>
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class  sophus::Ray< TScalar, kN >
class  sophus::Ray< TScalar, kN >
struct  sophus::Ray< TScalar, kN >::IntersectionResult
struct  sophus::ClosestApproachResult< TT >


 Image MutImage, owning images types.


template<class TScalar >
using sophus::Ray2 = Ray< TScalar, 2 >
template<class TScalar >
using sophus::Ray3 = Ray< TScalar, 3 >
using sophus::Ray2F64 = Ray2< double >
using sophus::Ray3F64 = Ray3< double >


template<class TT >
auto sophus::operator* (Isometry2< TT > const &bar_from_foo, Ray< TT, 2 > const &ray_foo) -> Ray< TT, 2 >
template<class TT >
auto sophus::operator* (Isometry3< TT > const &bar_from_foo, Ray< TT, 3 > const &ray_foo) -> Ray< TT, 3 >
template<class TT >
auto sophus::operator* (Isometry3< TT > const &bar_from_foo, UnitVector< TT, 3 > const &v_foo) -> Ray< TT, 3 >
template<class TT >
auto sophus::operator* (Similarity2< TT > const &b_from_a, Ray2< TT > const &ray_a) -> Ray2< TT >
template<class TT >
auto sophus::operator* (Similarity3< TT > const &b_from_a, Ray3< TT > const &ray_a) -> Ray3< TT >
template<class TT >
auto sophus::closestApproachParameters (Ray3< TT > const &line_0, Ray3< TT > const &line_1) -> std::optional< ClosestApproachResult< TT >>
 For two parametric lines in lambda0 and lambda1 respectively,. More...
template<class TT >
auto sophus::closestApproach (Ray3< TT > const &line_0, Ray3< TT > const &line_1) -> std::optional< Eigen::Vector3< TT >>
 For two lines line_0 and line_1 returns the mid-point of the line segment connecting one point from each of the lines which are closest to one another according to the l2 distance measure. More...