vector_space.h File Reference
#include "sophus/common/common.h"
#include "sophus/linalg/cast.h"
#include "sophus/linalg/reduce.h"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
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 Image MutImage, owning images types.


template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::zero () -> TPoint
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::eval (TPoint const &p)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::allTrue (TPoint const &p) -> bool
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::anyTrue (TPoint const &p) -> bool
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::isFinite (TPoint const &p) -> bool
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::isNan (TPoint const &p) -> bool
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::square (TPoint const &v)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::min (TPoint const &a, TPoint const &b) -> TPoint
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::max (TPoint const &a, TPoint const &b) -> TPoint
template<::sophus::concepts::PointType TPoint>
auto sophus::clamp (TPoint const &val, TPoint const &lo, TPoint const &hi) -> TPoint
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::floor (TPoint s)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::ceil (TPoint s)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::round (TPoint s)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::plus (TPoint p, TPoint s)
template<::sophus::concepts::EigenDenseType TPoint>
auto sophus::plus (TPoint p, typename TPoint::Scalar s)
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::isLessEqual (TPoint const &lhs, TPoint const &rhs) -> bool
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::tryGetElem (TPoint const &p, size_t row, size_t col=0) -> Expected< TPoint >
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::trySetElem (TPoint &p, TPoint s, size_t row, size_t col=0) -> Expected< Success >
template<::sophus::concepts::EigenDenseType TPoint>
auto sophus::trySetElem (TPoint &p, typename TPoint::Scalar s, size_t row, size_t col=0) -> Expected< Success >
template<::sophus::concepts::ScalarType TPoint>
auto sophus::transpose (TPoint p)
template<class TScalar , int kDim>
auto sophus::pointExamples ()