proto_conv.h File Reference
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struct  farm_ng::ToProtoTrait< TCpp >
 Trait to associate one concrete Proto type with given C++ type TCpp. More...
struct  farm_ng::FromProtoTrait< TProto >
 Trait to associate one concrete Cpp type with given proto type TProto. More...




 Convenience macro to define the ToProtoTrait and FromProtoTrait as well as the toProt and fromProt function templates instantiation declarations for a given C++ type TCpp and a given proto type TProto. Hence, this macro is typically used in a header file. More...


template<class TProto >
auto farm_ng::fromProt (TProto const &proto) -> Expected< typename FromProtoTrait< TProto >::CppType >
 Function template to convert a C++ object to a proto object. More...
template<class TCpp >
auto farm_ng::toProt (TCpp const &cpp) -> typename ToProtoTrait< TCpp >::ProtoType
 Function template to convert a proto object to a C++ object. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


template <> \
struct ToProtoTrait<TCpp> { \
using ProtoType = TProto; \
}; \
template <> \
struct FromProtoTrait<TProto> { \
using CppType = TCpp; \
}; \
template <> \
auto fromProt<TProto>(TProto const& proto)->Expected<TCpp>; \
template <> \
auto toProt<TCpp>(TCpp const& cpp)->TProto

Convenience macro to define the ToProtoTrait and FromProtoTrait as well as the toProt and fromProt function templates instantiation declarations for a given C++ type TCpp and a given proto type TProto. Hence, this macro is typically used in a header file.


FARM_PROTO_CONV_TRAIT(Eigen::Vector3d, proto::Vec3F64);

produces the following code:

template <>
struct ToProtoTrait<Eigen::Vector3d> {
  using ProtoType = proto::Vec3F64;

template <>
struct FromProtoTrait<proto::Vec3F64> {
  using CppType = Eigen::Vector3d;

template <>
auto fromProt<proto::Vec3F64>(proto::Vec3F64 const& proto)
    -> Expected<Eigen::Vector3d>;

template <>
auto toProt<Eigen::Vector3d>(Eigen::Vector3d const& cpp)
    -> proto::Vec3F64;