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class  sophus::PointTransformer< TT >
 Functor to efficiently transform a number of point given a Isometry3 pose. More...


 Image MutImage, owning images types.


template<class TT >
auto sophus::proj (InverseDepthPoint3< TT > const &inverse_depth_point) -> Eigen::Matrix< TT, 2, 1 >
 Projects 3-point (a,b,psi) = (x/z,y/z,1/z) through the origin (0,0,0) onto the plane z=1. Hence it returns (a,b) = (x/z, y/z). More...
template<class TT >
auto sophus::dxProjX (InverseDepthPoint3< TT > const &) -> Eigen::Matrix< TT, 2, 3 >
 Returns point derivative of inverse depth point projection: More...
template<class TT >
auto sophus::dxProjExpXPointAt0 (InverseDepthPoint3< TT > const &inverse_depth_point) -> Eigen::Matrix< TT, 2, 6 >
 Returns pose derivative of inverse depth point projection at the identity: More...
template<class TT >
auto sophus::scaledTransform (sophus::Isometry3< TT > const &foo_from_bar, InverseDepthPoint3< TT > const &inverse_depth_point_in_bar) -> Eigen::Matrix< TT, 3, 1 >
 Transforms inverse_depth point in frame bar to a scaled inverse depth point in frame foo. Here the scale is psi, the input inverse depth. More...
template<class TT >
auto sophus::projTransform (sophus::Isometry3< TT > const &foo_from_bar, InverseDepthPoint3< TT > const &inverse_depth_point_in_bar) -> Eigen::Matrix< TT, 2, 1 >
 Transforms inverse_depth point from frame bar to frame foo followed by a projection. More...