plane_conv.h File Reference
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 Image MutImage, owning images types.


template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::normalFromRotation2 (Rotation2< TScalar > const &foo_rotation_line) -> Eigen::Vector2< TScalar >
 Takes in a rotation foo_rotation_plane and returns the corresponding line normal along the y-axis (in reference frame foo). More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::rotation2FromNormal (Eigen::Vector2< TScalar > normal_in_foo) -> Rotation2< TScalar >
 Takes in line normal in reference frame foo and constructs a corresponding rotation matrix foo_rotation_line. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::normalFromRotation3 (Rotation3< TScalar > const &foo_rotation_plane) -> Eigen::Vector3< TScalar >
 Takes in a rotation foo_rotation_plane and returns the corresponding plane normal along the z-axis (in reference frame foo). More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::rotation3FromNormal (Eigen::Vector3< TScalar > const &normal_in_foo, Eigen::Vector3< TScalar > x_dir_hint_foo=Eigen::Vector3< TScalar >(TScalar(1), TScalar(0), TScalar(0)), Eigen::Vector3< TScalar > y_dir_hint_foo=Eigen::Vector3< TScalar >(TScalar(0), TScalar(1), TScalar(0))) -> Eigen::Matrix3< TScalar >
 Takes in plane normal in reference frame foo and constructs a corresponding rotation matrix foo_rotation_plane. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::rotation3FromPlane (Eigen::Vector3< TScalar > const &normal_in_foo) -> Rotation3< TScalar >
 Takes in plane normal in reference frame foo and constructs a corresponding rotation matrix foo_rotation_plane. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::lineFromIsometry (Isometry2< TScalar > const &foo_from_line) -> Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, 2 >
 Returns a line (wrt. to frame foo), given a pose of the line in reference frame foo. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::isometryFromLine (Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, 2 > const &line_in_foo) -> Isometry2< TScalar >
 Returns the pose T_foo_line, given a line in reference frame foo. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::planeFromIsometry (Isometry3< TScalar > const &foo_from_plane) -> Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, 3 >
 Returns a plane (wrt. to frame foo), given a pose of the plane in reference frame foo. More...
template<class TScalar >
auto sophus::isometryFromPlane (Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, 3 > const &plane_in_foo) -> Isometry3< TScalar >
 Returns the pose foo_from_plane, given a plane in reference frame foo. More...
template<class TScalar , int kMatrixDim>
auto sophus::makeHyperplaneUnique (Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, kMatrixDim > const &plane) -> Eigen::Hyperplane< TScalar, kMatrixDim >
 Takes in a hyperplane and returns unique representation by ensuring that the offset is not negative. More...

Detailed Description

Transformations between poses and hyperplanes.