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 Image MutImage, owning images types.


template<class TPoint >
auto sophus::proj (Eigen::MatrixBase< TPoint > const &p) -> Eigen::Vector< typename TPoint::Scalar, TPoint::RowsAtCompileTime - 1 >
 Projects 3-point (x,y,z) through the origin (0,0,0) onto the plane z=1. Hence it returns (x/z, y/z). More...
template<class TPoint >
auto sophus::unproj (Eigen::MatrixBase< TPoint > const &p, const typename TPoint::Scalar &z=1.0) -> Eigen::Vector< typename TPoint::Scalar, TPoint::RowsAtCompileTime+1 >
 Maps point on the z=1 plane (a,b) to homogeneous representation of the same point: (z*a, z*b, z). Z defaults to 1. More...