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template<class TAllocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator<uint8_t>> |
using | sophus::AnyImage = DynImage< AnyImagePredicate, TAllocator > |
| Image representing any number of channels (>=1) and any floating and unsigned integral channel type. More...
using | sophus::AnyImageView = DynImageView< AnyImagePredicate > |
template<class TAllocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator<uint8_t>> |
using | sophus::MutAnyImage = MutDynImage< AnyImagePredicate, TAllocator > |
using | sophus::MutAnyImageView = MutDynImageView< AnyImagePredicate > |
template<class TAllocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator<uint8_t>> |
using | sophus::IntensityImage = DynImage< IntensityImagePredicate, TAllocator > |
| Image to represent intensity image / texture as grayscale (=1 channel), RGB (=3 channel ) and RGBA (=4 channel), either uint8_t [0-255], uint16 [0-65535] or float [0.0-1.0] channel type. More...
using | sophus::IntensityImageView = DynImageView< IntensityImagePredicate > |
template<class TAllocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator<uint8_t>> |
using | sophus::MutIntensityImage = MutDynImage< IntensityImagePredicate, TAllocator > |
using | sophus::MutIntensityImageView = MutDynImageView< IntensityImagePredicate > |
template<typename TUserFunc , class TPredicate = IntensityImagePredicate, class TAllocator = Eigen::aligned_allocator<uint8_t>> |
void | sophus::visitImage (TUserFunc &&func, DynImage< TPredicate, TAllocator > const &image) |
template<class TUserFunc , class TPredicate = IntensityImagePredicate> |
void | sophus::visitImage (TUserFunc &&func, DynImageView< TPredicate > const &image) |