conversions.h File Reference
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <farm_ng/core/logging/logger.h>
#include <sophus/concepts/point.h>
#include <sophus/lie/se3.h>
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template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::inchesFromMeters (T m)
 Converts meters [m] to inches [in]. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::metersFromInches (T inches)
 Converts inches [in] to meters [m]. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::metersFromFeet (T feet)
 Converts feet [ft] to meters [m]. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::feetFromMeters (T meters)
 Converts meters [m] to feet [ft]. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::degFromRad (T rad)
 Converts radians to degrees. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::radFromDeg (T deg)
 Converts degrees to radians. More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealEigenDenseType TPoint>
auto farm_ng::radFromDeg (TPoint const &v_deg)
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::arcMinuteFromRad (T rad)
 Converts radians to arc minutes (60th of a degree) More...
template<sophus::concepts::RealScalarType T>
farm_ng::radFromArcMinute (T arc_minute)
 Converts arc minutes (60th of a degree) to radians. More...