| MutImageView ()=default |
| Default constructor creates an empty image. More...
| MutImageView (ImageLayout layout, TPixel *ptr) noexcept |
| Creates view from layout and pointer to first pixel. More...
| MutImageView (sophus::ImageSize image_size, TPixel *ptr) noexcept |
| Creates view from image size and pointer to first pixel. The image is assumed to be contiguous and the pitch is set accordingly. More...
auto | view () const -> ImageView< TPixel > |
| Returns ImageView(*this). More...
void | copyDataFrom (ImageView< TPixel > view) const |
| Copies data from view into this. More...
auto | rowPtrMut (int v) const -> TPixel * |
| Returns v-th row pointer of mutable pixel. More...
auto | mut (int u, int v) const -> TPixel & |
| Mutable accessor to pixel u, v. More...
auto | mut (Eigen::Vector2i uv) const -> TPixel & |
template<class TUnaryOperation > |
void | mutate (TUnaryOperation const &unary_op) const |
| Mutates each pixel of this with given unary operation. More...
template<class TUVOperation > |
void | generate (TUVOperation const &uv_op) const |
| For each pixel in this with coordinates (u,v), populates with the user provided function, evaluated as uv_op(u,v) , where u and v are integers such that u in [0, width), v in [0, height) More...
template<class TOtherPixel , class TUnaryOperation > |
void | transformFrom (ImageView< TOtherPixel > view, TUnaryOperation const &unary_op) const |
| Transforms view using unary operation and assigns result to this. More...
template<class TLhsPixel , class TRhsPixel , class TBinaryOperation > |
void | transformFrom (ImageView< TLhsPixel > lhs, ImageView< TRhsPixel > rhs, TBinaryOperation const &binary_op) const |
| Transforms two views using binary operation and assigns result to this. More...
void | fill (TPixel const &val) const |
| Populates every pixel of this with val. More...
auto | ptrMut () const -> TPixel * |
| Returns pointer of mutable data to first pixel. More...
auto | mutSubview (Eigen::Vector2i uv, sophus::ImageSize size) const -> MutImageView |
| Returns mutable subview. More...
| ImageView ()=default |
| Default constructor creates an empty image. More...
| ImageView (ImageLayout layout, TPixel const *ptr) noexcept |
| Creates view from layout and pointer to first pixel. More...
| ImageView (sophus::ImageSize image_size, TPixel const *ptr) noexcept |
| Creates view from image size and pointer to first pixel. The image is assumed to be contiguous and the pitch is set accordingly. More...
auto | isEmpty () const -> bool |
| Returns true if view is empty. More...
auto | isContiguous () const -> bool |
| Returns true if view is contiguous. More...
auto | imageSize () const -> sophus::ImageSize const & |
| Returns ImageSize. It is {0,0} if view is empty. More...
auto | layout () const -> ImageLayout const & |
| Returns ImageLayout. It is {{0,0}, 0} is view is empty. More...
auto | area () const -> size_t |
auto | width () const -> int |
auto | height () const -> int |
auto | pitchBytes () const -> size_t |
auto | sizeBytes () const -> size_t |
auto | colInBounds (int u) const -> bool |
| Returns true if u is in [0, width). More...
auto | rowInBounds (int v) const -> bool |
| Returns true if v is in [0, height). More...
auto | rowPtr (int v) const -> TPixel const * |
| Returns v-th row pointer. More...
auto | operator() (int u, int v) const -> TPixel const & |
| Returns pixel u, v. More...
auto | operator() (Eigen::Vector2i uv) const -> TPixel const & |
auto | ptr () const -> TPixel const * |
| Returns pointer to first pixel. More...
auto | subview (Eigen::Vector2i uv, sophus::ImageSize size) const -> ImageView |
| Returns subview. More...
template<class TFunc > |
void | visit (TFunc const &user_function) const |
| Performs reduction / fold on image view. More...
template<class TReduceOp , class TVal > |
auto | reduce (TReduceOp const &reduce_op, TVal val=TVal{}) const -> TVal |
| Performs reduction / fold on image view. More...
template<class TShortCircuitReduceOp , class TVal > |
auto | shortCircuitReduce (TShortCircuitReduceOp const &short_circuit_reduce_op, TVal val=TVal{}) const -> TVal |
| Performs reduction / fold on image view with short circuit condition. More...
auto | operator== (ImageView const &rhs) const -> bool=delete |
| The equality operator is deleted to avoid confusion. Since ImageView is a "shallow-copy" type, a consistently defined equality would check for equality of its (shallow) state: More...
auto | operator!= (ImageView const &rhs) const -> bool=delete |
| The in-equality operator is deleted to avoid confusion. More...
auto | hasSameData (ImageView const &rhs) const -> bool |
| Returns true both views have the same size and contain the same data. More...
template<class TPixel>
class sophus::MutImageView< TPixel >
View of a mutable image, which does not own the data.
The API of MutImageView allows for read and write access.
MutImageView is nullable. In that case this->isEmpty()
is true.
Details on equality comparison, the state of the object, and const-correctness.
MutImageView is a "shallow-compare type" similar to std::span<Pixel> and std::unique_ptr<Pixel>. As ImageView, its state consists of the image layout as well as the pointer address, and comparing those entities establishes equality comparisons. Furthermore, giving mutable access to pixels is considered a const operation, as in
TPixel& mut(int u, int v) const
since this merely allows for changing a pixel value, but not its state (data location and layout).