sophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator > Member List

This is the complete list of members for sophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >, including all inherited members.

area() const -> size_tsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
colInBounds(int u) const -> boolsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
DynImage classsophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >friend
hasSameData(ImageView const &rhs) const -> boolsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
height() const -> intsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
Image()=defaultsophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >
Image(MutImage< TPixel, TAllocator > &&image) noexceptsophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inline
imageSize() const -> sophus::ImageSize const &sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
ImageView()=defaultsophus::ImageView< TPixel >
ImageView(ImageLayout layout, TPixel const *ptr) noexceptsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
ImageView(sophus::ImageSize image_size, TPixel const *ptr) noexceptsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inlineexplicit
isContiguous() const -> boolsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
isEmpty() const -> boolsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
layout() const -> ImageLayout const &sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
layout_sophus::ImageView< TPixel >protected
makeCopyFrom(ImageView< TPixel > const &view) -> Imagesophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inlinestatic
makeFromTransform(ImageView< TOtherPixel > view, TUnaryOperation const &unary_op) -> Imagesophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inlinestatic
makeFromTransform(ImageView< TLhsPixel > lhs, ImageView< TRhsPixel > rhs, TBinaryOperation const &binary_op) -> Imagesophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inlinestatic
makeGenerative(ImageSize size, TUVOperation const &uv_op) -> Imagesophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inlinestatic
MutImage classsophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >friend
operator!=(ImageView const &rhs) const -> bool=deletesophus::ImageView< TPixel >
operator()(int u, int v) const -> TPixel const &sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
operator()(Eigen::Vector2i uv) const -> TPixel const &sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
operator==(ImageView const &rhs) const -> bool=deletesophus::ImageView< TPixel >
pitchBytes() const -> size_tsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
Pixel typedefsophus::ImageView< TPixel >
ptr() const -> TPixel const *sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
ptr_sophus::ImageView< TPixel >protected
reduce(TReduceOp const &reduce_op, TVal val=TVal{}) const -> TValsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
reset()sophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inline
rowInBounds(int v) const -> boolsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
rowPtr(int v) const -> TPixel const *sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
setViewToEmpty()sophus::ImageView< TPixel >inlineprotected
shortCircuitReduce(TShortCircuitReduceOp const &short_circuit_reduce_op, TVal val=TVal{}) const -> TValsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
sizeBytes() const -> size_tsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
subview(Eigen::Vector2i uv, sophus::ImageSize size) const -> ImageViewsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
useCount() const -> size_tsophus::Image< TPixel, TAllocator >inline
visit(TFunc const &user_function) constsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline
width() const -> intsophus::ImageView< TPixel >inline